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Богат избор от пресни преработени плодове и зеленчуци на нашето тържище в кв Слатина. Борсата предлага и богат избор от продукти на консервната промишленост за всички търговци на дребно и едро.



Wholesale market "Slatina-Bulgarplod" Ltd. is situated in the eastern part of the capital city just next to the airport of Sofia and the entrance-exit high roads leading to northern and southern Bulgaria. The wholesale market was established in 1991. The owner of the market has been the Municipality of Sofia till the month of December 2007. It subsequently was privatized as 100% of stocks acquired Consortium “Slatina–Bulgarplod” Ltd.

Over the past years the market developed and specialized in trading fresh and processed fruit and vegetables, poultry, fish and other foodstuffs.

The rich variety of the fresh fruits and vegetables offered includes both Bulgarian produce and supplies from other corners of the world such as South & North America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

The wholesale market is the biggest of its kind not only in Bulgaria, but on the whole Balkan peninsula too.

The total area of the wholesale market is 300 000 sq. m., 10 000 sq. metres of which is refrigerators for storage of products. Over 300 companies are operating on the wholesale market. The annual sales surpasses 270 000 tons. The consumers are being more than 2 000 000 people. The wholesale market is the main distribution centre of fresh fruits and vegetables for the Bulgarian capital and a part of Northwestern and Southwestern Bulgaria. The storage and trade areas are occupied all the year round as regards the wholesale trade

The wholesale market Slatina-Bulgarplod Ltd. has at its disposal spacious platforms for loading and unloading of the goods. There are also parking lots for different kinds of vehicles, car service, petrol station and railway going to the core area of the market. It was built a new 60 tons automated weigh-bridge supplied with Certificate of compliance. A Customs office of the National Customs Agency is being functioning at the wholesale market area.




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